
The Bolivian Fairy Tale – The Illusory Success of “21st Century Socialism”

For years Bolivia was considered a successful example of the “Socialism of the 21st century”. An apparently booming economy blinded economists and politicians and obscured the view of a regime that was in reality authoritarian and corrupt.

Is the Pope Calling for a Universal Basic Income?

Pope Francis never called for a “universal basic income” as a new socio-political model. He asked for financial assistance for those on the margins who have been harmed by the quarantine. Even so, the idea of a “basic income” is only feasible, if at all, in a country with strong protection of property rights and a market economy.

For Eurozone Countries, the Problem Is Not So Much the Coronavirus, but Italy

The Italian people are hardworking, noble, and clever but held back by their own decadent institutions. With no end in sight, this mess hurts the entire European monetary union. It would be better for Italy and the other eurozone nations if Italy had an orderly departure from the euro.

What Comes after the Coronavirus Crisis – More Socialism or More Capitalism?

Statism is on the rise, despite the fact that western nations were ill-prepared for the Coronavirus pandemic. Old leftist demands are now given even more credence than usual. How can classical liberals and capitalists counter this statist impulse?

Rescuing Businesses during the Coronavirus Crisis Accelerates the Path to a State-Run Economy

The lockdown has accelerated the onset of the financial crisis. Global rescue programs are opening the door to a creeping nationalization. We now face the threat of the kinds of restrictions found in former planned economies.

The Coronavirus Crisis Shines Light on the Debt Spiral

The coronavirus crisis has exposed once again the fragility of our debt-based economic system. There are alternatives to this artificial system of the last 70 years. There are ways that we can better incentivize saving, which will create not only more productivity but more robustness.

The Coronavirus Wake-up Call

The economy and the financial sector need more robustness. The corona epidemic shows this. Because of low interest rates, the number of weak companies grew so rapidly that their failure is now a threat to the rest of the economy.

The Political Management of the Coronavirus Crisis: The Potential Harm of Damage Compensation

We could be facing the biggest economic crisis of all time. Will politicians be able to learn the lessons from this and use the crisis as an opportunity for a new beginning in economic and public health policy?

The Alternate Universe of Anti-Capitalist Coronavirus Experts

The COVID-19 epidemic becomes a pretext for critics of capitalism to once again castigate “neoliberalism.” The survival of the free market economy and the renewal of small government is essential, especially now.

Defend Globalization!

For critics of globalization, the matter is clear: it is the main culprit of the Coronavirus epidemic. On the contrary, globalization is particularly helpful in this context, among other things because it reduces regional dependencies.

Freedom or Equality? “Social Justice” Is Not a Demand of Classical Liberalism

Historically as inequality dissipates the inequalities that remain become intolerable for many. Freedom then becomes seen as an enemy to greater equality. The modern welfare state seeks to establish equality through redistribution, but leaves people dependent and demoralized by their caregivers.

The Interest Rate Reversal Has Ended: What’s Next?

Another recession is very likely. For the first time it will not be possible to mitigate it with further interest rate cuts. Previously unknown scenarios are looming. One thing is certain: savers will need to take on more personal responsibility.

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