Veranstaltungsort: | Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Executive Academy, Hörsaal EA.6.032) Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien Wien |
Datum: | 28. Mai 2018 | |
Uhrzeit: | 18:00 |
This event will be held in English – Diese Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.
Around the globe the notions of capitalism, free markets, and profit invoke heated debate. Is it possible for a Christian to be for God and for profit? Samuel Gregg, together with many theologians, philosophers, historians, and economists, has chronicled how the creation of wealth has lifted millions of people out of poverty throughout the centuries. In his book “For God and Profit” (2016), he shows how theologians, philosophers and jurists of the High and Late Middle Ages and the early modern period developed an understanding of the wealth-creating function of money, its character as „capital“ and thus laid the foundations of modern economics. Gregg also addresses the ethical challenges facing the modern financial industry and its ability to combat global poverty and facilitate people’s access to the world’s wealth-creating resources.
In his lecture at the WU, Samuel Gregg will first give us an insight into the most important points of his book and then answer the questions of the audience.
We expect an exciting presentation and a lively discussion!
Event venue: Executive Academy, EA.6.032
Samuel Gregg will also deliver a lecture with ensuing discussion May 29, at the „Haus der Industrie“, Vienna, about: the topic Finance and Profit Seeking – How they Serve the Common Good – Christian roots of capitalism – Ethical challenges today – Perspectives for the global overcoming of poverty.

Samuel Gregg is research director at the Acton Institute , Grand Rapids (USA). He holds an MA in political philosophy from the University of Melbourne, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in moral philosophy and political economy from the University of Oxford. He is the author of many books and articles in scholarly journals.
Most recently he published For God and Profit. How Banking and Finance can Serve the Common Good, Crossroad, New York 2016,.German translation (ed. Austrian Institute of Economics and Social Philosophy): Für Gott und den Profit. Eine Ethik des Finanzwesens. Christlich – marktliberal, Herder, Freiburg. i. Br. 2017.
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