No More Growth—And Happiness Is Just Around The Corner
Critics of growth call for zero growth or even “degrowth”. Their fears are based on economic misconceptions and a failure to recognize the capitalist dynamic of decoupling growth from resource consumption. Moreover, they fail to recognize the needs of poor countries.
The Primacy of Politics and the “Other” Socialism
The “primacy of politics” over the logic of the economy is repeatedly and categorically demanded. Insofar as such efforts undermine the private property-based power of disposition over the means of production, it is the first step in the direction of the “other socialism.”
Thinking Economically: Only the Market and the Logic of Exchange Create Prosperity
Economics is not a zero-sum game. In exchange, both sides always benefit. Exchange is the soul of the market and creates added value, and does so in a way that benefits everyone involved. A plea for economic enlightenment.
The Discovery of “Capital” in the Economic Ethics of the High Middle Ages
The pioneers of modern economics were moral theologians of the Middle Ages. Petrus Johannis Olivi discovered, among other things, “capital,” the subjective theory of value, and distinguished interest from usury. He thus paved the way for a positive view of commercial activity.
Money Glut, Debt, and Rolling Central Bank Guarantees: Full Steam Ahead towards the Abyss
Central banks have become prisoners of their own policies with their perpetual monetary glut. Everyone knows this, and everyone knows that everyone knows it. But proclaiming a different message, they shirk responsibility. The party must go on at all costs.