Low interest rate policy

Germany’s Poverty: Imported and Homemade

In Germany’s super-election year, the eternal debate about social justice is taking on even more teeth. One-sided interpretations are used by the Greens, SPD and Left Party to justify even more redistribution. The real causes are being concealed.

Money Glut, Debt, and Rolling Central Bank Guarantees: Full Steam Ahead towards the Abyss

Central banks have become prisoners of their own policies with their perpetual monetary glut. Everyone knows this, and everyone knows that everyone knows it. But proclaiming a different message, they shirk responsibility. The party must go on at all costs.

The U.S. in Decadence? The Warning Signs Cannot Be Overlooked

The United States today exhibits characteristics of decadence that historians have considered instrumental in the decline or loss of power of earlier empires. A brief analysis.

Rescuing Businesses during the Coronavirus Crisis Accelerates the Path to a State-Run Economy

The lockdown has accelerated the onset of the financial crisis. Global rescue programs are opening the door to a creeping nationalization. We now face the threat of the kinds of restrictions found in former planned economies.

The Coronavirus Wake-up Call

The economy and the financial sector need more robustness. The corona epidemic shows this. Because of low interest rates, the number of weak companies grew so rapidly that their failure is now a threat to the rest of the economy.

The Political Management of the Coronavirus Crisis: The Potential Harm of Damage Compensation

We could be facing the biggest economic crisis of all time. Will politicians be able to learn the lessons from this and use the crisis as an opportunity for a new beginning in economic and public health policy?

The Interest Rate Reversal Has Ended: What’s Next?

Another recession is very likely. For the first time it will not be possible to mitigate it with further interest rate cuts. Previously unknown scenarios are looming. One thing is certain: savers will need to take on more personal responsibility.

Provincial Government Buildings on the Meuse are depicted above, where the Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty on European Union, TEU) was signed on 7 February 1992.

The Euro Illusion: From a Project of Integration to a Green Planned Economy

At first it seemed as if the new President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Christine Lagarde would simply continue the loose monetary policy of her predecessor. But now she has announced a green policy shift. This marks the beginning of a whole new act in the euro drama.

How Much State Does a Just Society Need?

The title question I was asked, “How much state does a just society need?” assumes that a just society requires a superior power—the state. The question is about “how much

On the Abuse of Monetary Policy

The euro has been a political project since its inception. That is why the independence of the European Central Bank was also in danger from the outset. In the end, it always came down to the alternative “Cambridge or Vienna” or, rather, “Keynes or Hayek.” The option for Keynes led to an increasing politicization of monetary policy in the European Monetary Union.

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