Industrial policy

Delusions of Omnipotence and Shifting Backdrops: USA and EU Launch Giant Industrial Policy Programs

The USA and the EU have recently been in a subsidy race—industrial policy by bureaucrats. The innovative forces of the market are being undermined and the inefficiency of these measures is predictable.

Navigating Crises without a Compass: Politics in the Quicksand of Interventionism

Under the guise of the COVID-19 crisis, attempts are being made to use the crisis for a political agenda that would not have found majority support before. The role of the state is expanding. A new policy approach is necessary to secure prosperity.

European Infrastructure and Tech Policy: Failures, Breakdowns, and Empty Promises

Compared to the USA, Europe is lagging behind in terms of information and communications infrastructure. A reexamination reveals: For too long, billions of taxpayers’ money have been invested in technologies of the past.

A New Era: Politicians and Central Banks Reinvent the Wishing-Table

Unbelievable national debts and deficits, direct access of politicians to the printing press and unconditional payments to citizens in the USA. The EU, for its part, is embarking on the path of massive new national debt. Can this possibly end well?

The Primacy of Politics and the “Other” Socialism

The “primacy of politics” over the logic of the economy is repeatedly and categorically demanded. Insofar as such efforts undermine the private property-based power of disposition over the means of production, it is the first step in the direction of the “other socialism.”

The Entrepreneurial State Stifles Creativity and Hinders Innovation

Today, people trust the state to lead us into a sustainable future. All it has to do is steer innovation in the right direction, many say. But where the planning state intervenes, creativity suffers.

“Stimulating the economy”—the destructive standard remedy promoted by the statist economists

Should the State enhance the “aggregate demand” through stimulation? Followers of Hayek still have very good arguments against that proposal, but the politicians love Keynes . . .

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