Delusions of Omnipotence and Shifting Backdrops: USA and EU Launch Giant Industrial Policy Programs
The USA and the EU have recently been in a subsidy race—industrial policy by bureaucrats. The innovative forces of the market are being undermined and the inefficiency of these measures is predictable.
Socially Unjust Inflation: Why Recessions Are Inevitable and Salutary
Inflation is profoundly socially unjust. Its causes lie above all in an expansionary monetary policy, and this must be stopped. If policymakers want to prevent the inevitable recession that will follow, they will only make the problems worse.
Green Climate Policy: Moralism, Ideology and Dirigisme
The Greens are painting a picture of environmental and climate apocalypse. In this way, they try to moralize the debate and present themselves as the advocates of the good. On closer inspection, their program turns out to be ideological wishful thinking that eschews capitalism and the market economy.
A Brave New World after the COVID-19 Crisis?
The Coronavirus pandemic is a golden age for critics of civilization, moralizers, miracle healers and intellectual crisis profiteers. At last, however, the economy and the market are being talked about in a positive light again—high time, because more than a few politicians are enjoying a permanent state of emergency.
No More Growth—And Happiness Is Just Around The Corner
Critics of growth call for zero growth or even “degrowth”. Their fears are based on economic misconceptions and a failure to recognize the capitalist dynamic of decoupling growth from resource consumption. Moreover, they fail to recognize the needs of poor countries.