
Capitalism – The Economic Form of Giving

There are many forms of giving, but only one that generates general prosperity: capitalism. It does not begin with exchange, but with giving. It is not the state that creates prosperity, but the entrepreneur and businessman. The cause of mass prosperity is individuals, specific people, their actions and their ideas.

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Global Governance and Regulation

AUSTRIAN ACADEMY 2022: Experienced economist Philip Booth, formerly research director of the London Institute of Economic Affairs and now a professor at Catholic Twickenham University in London, introduces the complex issue of global-level regulation from a consistently liberal perspective.

The ECB Faces a Predicament, the Euro an Impasse

With the now obvious failure of the ECB’s inflationary low interest rate policy, things are now also bad for the euro. The “whatever it takes” approach to saving the euro has reached a point where a reconsideration is necessary.

Do We Need a ‘Great Reset’, or More Capitalism?

For many, capitalism needs to be reinvented. And yet it proved to be robust, innovative and enormously successful, especially during the pandemic. Thus, the idea of a “Great Reset” merely serves familiar anti-capitalist prejudices.

Tax Policy “Harmonization”: Diversity Is Preached, Uniformity Is Practiced

From the OECD to the EU: Although people like to profess their support for diversity, they nevertheless insist on uniformity. The G-20 wants an international tax cartel. The pressure to be economical with taxes will diminish. The losers will be the citizens.

European Infrastructure and Tech Policy: Failures, Breakdowns, and Empty Promises

Compared to the USA, Europe is lagging behind in terms of information and communications infrastructure. A reexamination reveals: For too long, billions of taxpayers’ money have been invested in technologies of the past.

The Primacy of Politics and the “Other” Socialism

The “primacy of politics” over the logic of the economy is repeatedly and categorically demanded. Insofar as such efforts undermine the private property-based power of disposition over the means of production, it is the first step in the direction of the “other socialism.”

Currency Competition: The Renewed Interest in Cryptocurrencies

Only the sovereign of a liberal democratic community, the citizen, can set limits to state action. Challenging the state’s monetary monopoly through monetary competition would be one means of doing so.

The U.S. in Decadence? The Warning Signs Cannot Be Overlooked

The United States today exhibits characteristics of decadence that historians have considered instrumental in the decline or loss of power of earlier empires. A brief analysis.

F.A. Hayek on the Discovery, Use, and Transmission of Knowledge

This September marked the 75th anniversary of F.A. Hayek’s pivotal essay “The Use of Knowledge in Society.” It is not only a noteworthy advance in Hayek’s critique of central planning. Hayek’s insights about competition as a ‘discovery procedure’ also provides conceptual tools for other forms of institutional analysis.

China, the US, and Europe: Who Will Lead after the Coronavirus Crisis?

Will China soon be the world’s number one power? Not if the West returns to its basic values of liberty, and if the Western governments dare to destroy their self-inflicted debt traps.

Why Intellectuals Don’t Like Capitalism

Anti-capitalism is widespread among both right-wing and left-wing intellectuals. Both are united by the belief that economic and social problems can be solved primarily through state action.

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