
The Political Morality of Freedom: The Liberal Legacy of the French Revolution in the “Atlantic” Perspective

The French Revolution was a complex historical event, and its intellectual foundations were likewise complex. It is a mistake to reduce it to the Jacobin terror. It was a liberal revolution whose ideals sprang from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition.

Leviathan Wobbles and Wavers—But the Citizens are Ultimately Responsible for It

In Germany, there is a growing gap between the inflation of the state apparatus and its ability to fulfill its tasks. Politics suffers from political fantasies of omnipotence and constitutional ignorance. Who is to blame?

“Doux Commerce,” or the Peacemaking Power of Trade: Just a Dangerous Illusion?

Does trade among nations promote peace? The liberal-minded Enlightenment affirmed this under the phrase “doux commerce.” At present, however, we are witnessing how economically closely linked nations are at war with each other.

Is the West at War with Russia?

Are the costs of sanctions against Russia too high and are we ultimately harming ourselves? That depends on how we answer the question of whether it is in our own interest that Ukraine does not lose the war against Russia.

The Left’s Blindness to History: The Benevolent View of Russia Has Proved Fatal

It is perfectly legitimate to point out the dangers of an uncontrolled escalation of the Ukraine war. Left-wing intellectuals who do so, however, have largely adopted Putin’s propagandist view. Behind it, however, lies a dangerous ideology.

Ukraine Defends Its Freedom—And That of Russia

For years, Russian propaganda has tried to spread the narrative of NATO endangering Russia’s security. However, with his war against Ukraine, Putin is trying to thwart a free, Western-oriented Ukraine because it is a threat to his power.

Green Climate Policy: Moralism, Ideology and Dirigisme

The Greens are painting a picture of environmental and climate apocalypse. In this way, they try to moralize the debate and present themselves as the advocates of the good. On closer inspection, their program turns out to be ideological wishful thinking that eschews capitalism and the market economy.

Socialism Is a Seductive Idea, but It Is Incompatible with Freedom and Prosperity

Why intellectuals have often advocated socialism, and why it is incompatible with freedom. The economist and book author Kristian Niemietz of the London Institute of Economic Affairs is interviewed by Stefan Beig.

Our Superstate: Controlled by Party Headquarters, Bureaucracies—and Central Banks

A new book by Beat Kappeler shows that the separation of powers is being undermined, parliaments are being commanded by governments and bureaucracies, and the debt economy is being financed by central banks. The author also proposes remedies for these issues.

Has Liberalism Failed? Patrick Deneen’s Populist Anti-Liberalism: A Catholic Classical Liberal’s Response

In his book “Why Liberalism Failed” Patrick Deneen deals with all varieties of Liberalism. They are the fruit of a false image of man – an assertion which, however, proves to be questionable on closer inspection.

Has Liberalism Failed? A Response to Patrick Deneen (Short Version)

Has liberalism become a victim of its own success? A short version of the review and critique of Patrick Deneen’s book “Why Liberalism Failed.”

Fury vs. Freedom: The New Left-Right Conflict

Today, social debates are ignited from the political margins. When democracy is in crisis and social cohesion is crumbling, it is time for intellectuals to focus on the essentials. What is needed is an anti-totalitarian self-enlightenment from the political center.