
The Ethics of the Market Economy: A Critical Appraisal of Ludwig von Mises’ Utilitarian Interpretation (Academic paper)

Mises’ interpretation of market capitalism is flawed. In truth, Mises is best interpreted in a non-utilitarian way.

The True Meaning of ‘Social Justice’: A Catholic View of Hayek (Academic paper)

Hayek’s dismissal of the concept of “social justice” is well-known. While we can basically agree with Hayek’s critique, we should not entirely reject this concept. There exists a true meaning of social justice.

Crony Capitalism: Inefficient, Unjust, and Corrupting

Donald Trump’s candidacy has brought many topics to greater public attention. One subject, however, that has gained significant traction because of the Trump campaign is the problem of crony capitalism—or, more simply, cronyism.

“Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”—but no more: monetary policy as a strategy to extend state power

When contemplating the future, and trying to imagine possible developments, there is always a fine line between optimism and self-delusion. We generally overestimate our abilities to influence what lies ahead; and we tend to underestimate the power of external factors.

Does Capitalism Cause Poverty?

Capitalism gets blamed for many things nowadays: poverty, inequality, unemployment, even global warming. As Pope Francis said in a recent speech in Bolivia: “This system is by now intolerable: farm

On Our Own Behalf: The Austrian Institute introduces itself

In 1949, Friedrich August von Hayek—one of the most important representatives of the Austrian School of Economics—said in an essay entitled “The Intellectuals and Socialism”: “What we lack is a liberal utopia…a truly liberal radicalism which does not spare the susceptibilities of the mighty…

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