Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joachim Starbatty (b. May 9, 1940, Düsseldorf). Graduating from a classical secondary school, he studied economics and political science, completing graduate studies in economics in 1964, and earning his doctorate in 1967; he was a research assistant to former State Secretary Alfred Müller-Armack from 1965-1969, and a scientific advisor for European and international economics of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, 1970-1972; he received his postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) in economics at the University of Cologne in 1975; he was then Professor of Economic Policy at the Ruhr University Bochum, 1976-1983, and Full Professor of Economics with a specialization in Economic Policy at the University of Tübingen 1983-2005.
He was a Founding Senator of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/O., 1991-1993; he has also had visiting professorships at Doshisha University in Kyoto and Washington University in Seattle. He took legal actions against the introduction of the euro and against various rescue operations before the Federal Constitutional Court.
He has been a member of European Parliament since June 2014.